
Showing posts from 2015

Tripoli or Death

We went to be free, like you. We drink coffee by Colosseums and Roman roads. Chatting by text on our Iphones. A once beautiful country with secrets in its archaeology, I could be in Iraq, Syria, Libya, Egypt or Palestine. Once I was a plasterer then I picked up arms, now I lead men through steel storms crying Tripoli or Die. The first man I shot got hit between his eyes his head exploded from behind. I was surprised that life was so easy to take and went on with the business of reaching Tripoli or the blackness of death. We made our goal, with the help of American bombs. Which left our country in ruins, now war seems endless. I managed to escape to Italy, I sit in a coffee shop sipping an espresso with my family. Across the sea from me the middle east is burning The med is one side paradise and one side hell. A sea that separates secular democracy, civil war and budding religious theocra...

Nuclear deterrence

Nuclear weapons deter war.  A statement that gets used a lot, is it true though? At best it is questionable, at worst its an outright falsehood. The fact that the powers that be have been using nuclear weapons in the form of Depleted Uranium : cannon shot the size of most peoples forearms made totally from uranium, that explodes on impact, penetrating artillery, tanks, buildings and troop transports, making anything it hits explode, leaving an aftermath of radioactive dust that causes death and radiation poisoning: since before the first Gulf War and in every conflict onwards, in my opinion, nullifies that statement. ' Whooaa there ,' I hear those amongst you who support nuclear detterence declare. ' What about the prolonged peace between NATO and the USSR? ' Ok, let's explore that, the theory goes, after WW2 if we didn't have nukes; then Russia invades the whole of Europe. In the face of two world wars, the second wiping 20,000,000 Russians off the pl...