Something Strange, Something New, Something Old.
There is sometimes an us and them. The Conservative Party with very little constraint set themselves up to represent the ruling classes, they are without doubt the administrators for the super rich and with very few exceptions they will choose capital over people. We all know this. The Tory party itself was formed to protect the interests of the Royals and Landowners during the English civil war. There is no culture of responsibility to anyone other than the powerful. This last four years have reflected that deeply. With the referendum to leave the EU, turned into a cereal brexit that was all anti-immigration, instead of a debate about neo political theory. With Trump winning the US presidency; we saw the far right became mainstream and the Conservative Party jump right on that bandwagon. We saw how much apathy and fear had overcome hope in regards to politics. On the left we had Jeremy Corbyn winning two Labour party leadership elections and almost landing ...