The Good the Bad and the Beautiful
The Good, the Bad and the Beautiful
It's not like it used to be I hear. Maybe not. I've never been before. For reasons unsaid or unknown the eco warriors had a lot of drop outs. Sweet, I thought a chance to get into boomtown before it loses all its charm.
I'd heard so much about Boomtown. Whispers then roars. Finally, I made it past my indifference to extremities and waste and thought fuck it.
Aware of the dangers. No drugs testing, overzealous security and a minor exodus as a result; I threw caution to the wind and paid my deposit.
I made my way to the site.
Through a nest of yellow jackets and a disinterested sniffer dog I passed. Into the wilds.
Into the echos and hills. Where tents rolled into constructs of pure metallic, engenic beauty;
and bass ingratiated itself into me.
Glad to be working and looking forward to a good excuse to make new friends. I set up and slept ready for the next day and my party to begin.
My role. Eco warrior. Armed with eco-friendly spray paints, stencils, love, awareness and Boomtowns initiatives, we reccied the festival tirelessly, everyday. Winning hearts and minds without any cluster bombs.
Our mission, to leave no trace. To encourage recycling, upcycling, resource awareness and conscious partying.
Let's not forget we are in the upswing of an exponential mass extinction event. No amount of partying will be enough to blot out a tsunami.
We could pile baggies and cannisters to the moon while Jarvis Cocker endless sings our praises and Tuesday turns into oblivion next week.
Pack you towel and down three pints of real ale. The time is now. The galactic bypass is us and humanity has destroyed two thirds of known species in 30 years.
But I'm no pessimist. I look forward to death. The truth is none of us escape. So why should I give a fuck? Why should I care, let's dance through the storms just like we did on Saturday night. When a bunch of hippies, punks, drunks, musicians, shamans and happy souls batten down a city made of anarchy and love and survived gale force winds where others couldn't. We danced in the rain and huddled around fires. Singing, laughing and loving. Nothing will stop us.
The consciousness of the festival and our worked helped create 70% less waste than last year. We made a difference and had fun doing it. Will it stop the extinction event. No. Will it change political policy, no. Will it project our souls into a dimension of happiness amongst the fallen angels, yes.
And that's where it was for me at Boomtown. Where tribes meet and the knowledge is shared freely. Priceless gifts in every corner. A performer, a singer, a new friend or a dance that you never want to end. Alongside Babylon.
A perfect geometry of our society played out by all at one. Scaled up to perfection. I can't wait for next year!
Ollie Bee
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