Vaudeville Fascism

Last night something intolerable happened.  The white supremacist, fascist core of Trump and Putin's US millitia's ran an organised protest with Police complicity.
That ended with protestors and extremist militants having the run of Capitol Hill and the Congress building.  

Disrupting the Electrol vote count to officially make Joe Biden President at the request of a significant majority of US citizens. In any other country this would have been called an attempted coup. This could have been that if there had been popular support and that was Trump's intention. To show they could if they wanted. 

The game plan of the global fascist movement is to destroy Democracy in the USA. Ironically (🤦‍♂️) David Icke has laid down the plan clearly and concisely. 

The narrative of neo fascism is many pronged from simple fear of socialist authorianism and fear of losing ones identity as a 'strong man: that Jordan Peterson promotes; right through to Qanon ideas that we are under attack by Aliens who drink the blood of children.

That Trump and his mate Putin are running an underground war against this alien deep state cabal. 

A.K.A 'The Deep State' the alien shape shifters,  who run the banks of the world and have infiltrated our Governmental bodies to the extent it's no longer worth voting, until someone like Trump comes along; and then suddenly  Alex Jones believes in US Democracy, promising to keep Trump honest 🤣

Trump and Putin have legions of trolls sharing these lies, funneling people into fascistic thinking and the liberal left has played into their hands becuse of a deep rooted fear of social uprisings. A severe case of cognitive bias and dissonance that is still at play. 

The gate keepers are very careful to keep their anti semetic and rascist views secret. David Icke, Stefan Molyneux and Alex Jones being prime examples of these gate keepers. Anyone who has gone on a rabbit hole with any of these propagandists will know the subtle appeal to our fears and programming of negative activism well enough. 

There's a complexity involved.  It's not easy to explain Trump away.  The rise of fascism has been explicitly helped by certain tech companies, Facebook being the main culprit. YouTube however also has to take responsibility, as much as I welcome Google, YouTube took the money too and funnelled people who took interest in any anti-establishment narratives towards extremist views. 

A mirror of the rise of Nazism in Germamy, the promotion and co-opting of occoult and alternative views by the an opportunist who saw the extent of disenfranchisement and vunrability of the working classes with consent of the liberal world in order to avoid confronting socialism within their own states. A safety valve between them and revolt. Therefore not new.

As always the master loses control of the monster. The problem being that the monster is us the people. We face a battle amongst ourselves. In truth. This battle is in our minds. One we must all have. We will we resort to violent thinking and dictatorial ideals to defeat that which we fear? 

One of the complexities of the rise of nationalism has been the co-opting by Russia under Putin of the anti-capitalist narrative Adam Curtis documents this very clearly and coherently in 'Hypernormalisation'.  

That's the 'genius' of it. 

The outsourcing of the unacceptable to the forum of the internet where for example David Icke can lay out the plan, call out families of Jewish heritage as blood drinking Aliens whilst saying the same about Putin and the Queen without fear of repercussion as he provides two functions; to create consent for hatred and too muddy the waters. 
All the while providing the framework for Trump and Putin's neo fascism to recruit members.
It was notable to me David Icke has never called Trump an Alien and also believes him to be 'a misguided man' 
The netflix film 'The Great Hack' directly examines the mechanics of this process in relation to Brexit and Trump, the promotion of extremist ideas and solutions directed at those statistically vunrable to fascism. 

The result was mass hypnosis and cognitive dissonance. 
Trump had considerable support from right leaning Central Americans despite his rascist anti-Latin rhtoric. 

I was told by an ex anarchist that Trump isn't rascist before the 2019 election and that I had something called Trump Derangmenent Syndrome. Does he still feel that way after last night and how does one come back from supporting Trump now we see he's true depravity? 

In order to understand what happened last night and what will happen in the USA's near future we have to look at the past. 

Or how Hitler took Germany. Or Putin Russia. The list goes on. This is not new. 

What is new is the direct challenge to the rotation of leadership and democratic functioning of the USA as the world's foremost democratic power post WW1.

Pax Americana as it is uneffectionatly known amongst those of us who have internalised the terrors of our comfort and freedom. 

The doorway through which fascism opens is inequality. The mobilising of the disenfranchised and poor. As in the 2nd Century BC,  so in ours. We must ask ourselves difficult questions. Not deny them anymore. 

How do we seperate race and religion from politics? 

How do we create equality of representation and opportunity so that repression is not needed?

How do we move into post-scarcity living so that there is no disenfranchised and poor people to mobillise? 

How do we face the continuing collapse of our environment without resorting to traumatised thinking? 

How do we end war?

Fascism thrives on inequality and fear, just like mould on a rotten beam. 

The core belief of many that support fascism is that our culture is under threat from Islamic extremism or socialist dictatorship or other racial supremacy and the only way to respond is with force. 

We may have waited to long for the danger to appear in the real world.

The failure of liberal democracy is the same on which it was built. 

The maintenance of white male supremacy. 

We are begining to see representatives of liberal democracies that aren't white men, but perhaps it's too little, too late. Time will tell. 

Joe Biden has a mandate to run the country and a majority to back it. Will he continue with his considerably progressive tax plan

Will it make a difference or have the so called elites waited too long in celebrating their own greed and fears?

Will his Government try and absorb the threat of fascism or is too late?

Are people in too deep to get out or do they even care to think differently?

Much of the enforcement arm of the US government backs Trump and Trumpism and Mike Pence is an evangelical theocrate who yearns for Gilead, as are many Republican representative and supporters. 

What motivation is there for a bi-partisan movement to provide an alternative to capitalist, nationalist, rascist or theocratic fascism that is global and so in line with many of the sitting Republican representatives and the conservative populace as a whole?

The Democrats will have to try and I'm hoping they'll try with gusto and love, not cynacism and fear. 

Meantime we must face the fascism in our own country. 

Face how Boris Johnson using the same dark money and tactics as Trump managed to turn over a whole region of life long Labour voters to Tory voters.

Face the reality that the PLP spent five years undermining themselves for having a socialist leadership. 

Those who had the guile to call Jeremy Corbyn anti-semetic whilst genuine anti-semitism was being promoted at a distance by our then soon to be PMs Facebook campaigns. 

I have no time for anyone who has made up thier mind to fascisst thinking. Let them be fools of fears whispers. 

However for those who feel disenfranchised, who have no hope in our elected or electable bodies, who feel the horror and pain of war and servitude and belief in humanities inherent goodness. 

I'll embrace you and say we have to do this together and for ourselves, power conceded is never regained. If we don't start to build alternative solutions to capitalism, fascism or neo-socialist dictatorships, that's all we'll get and we are at the mercy of the machine until we break or we create our own machines. 

The apocalypse is coming and we don't have a story, yet!

Ollie Bee 🐝


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